For same day escorting, companionship, and/or domination call: 613-282-4775
Except for same day fun and escorting,  
Valerie's preferred contact method is by email at:


Ottawa escort service FunValerie featuring mature, independent Valerie providing escort companionship, fetishes, and adult entertainment - your classy, curvy, cute, caring, and cuddly temporary girlfriend for men, women, and couples.

Ottawa Escorts Fun Valerie Book Now



  • I would like to know more about you and your Ottawa escort service.

I am a stable and genuine person. Most people would describe me as friendly. I am single with no dependents. I don't smoke. I don't do any drugs.  I love to laugh. I enjoy being tickled.  I have high self-esteem. I am in good health, in body, mind, and spirit. I am comfortable with myself, physically and emotionally. I am socially well-adjusted. I enjoy movies from other cultures and if I had the money I would travel there.

  • Why do you do this?

I choose to provide an Ottawa escort service because I like the job. I love meeting new people. I appreciate the money which is allowing me to have opportunities that I otherwise could not have.  I enjoy working for myself as my own very small business. I enjoy making a happy contribution to other people's lives.

  • How did you get started? 

I needed a job while studying. I met someone who offered an Ottawa escort service while being a student.  I thought that this might be fun and the hours would be flexible.

  • Do you have a boyfriend or a husband? 

No, I don't have a significant other while operating an Ottawa escort service and I have decided not to look for now. With all of my numerous commitments, I am a very busy person. So if you are hiring me because you are a busy with your career, I understand how you feel.




  • How much notice is required to book a visit with you?

Generally, I need about one hour to get ready for an Ottawa escort service erotic rendezvous. 





  • Why is your face not shown in any of the digital photographs?

I do not provide a full time Ottawa escort service. I have many other interests.  If we meet and you are not happy with my appearance or manner, you owe me nothing.

  • Do you have any more photographs other than what is on the website?

No, I don't have any more photographs at this time. You are always welcome to check back as photographs will be updated.

  • Is that really you in the photographs?

Yes, that is really me in the photographs. I own most of the accessories in the photographs. If you wish you may specify a particular item and I will model it for you.





  • What services do you offer?

I offer Ottawa escort services. As any other professional person, I charge an hourly rate based on the time involved.

  • I have never done this before. I have no idea how to proceed.

If you wish I can take the lead while escorting you. I specialize in giving relaxing and soothing erotic massages that will make you feel more comfortable. You are welcome to tell me it is your first time.





  • Why do you need my last name or telephone number to book an appointment?

I do not need your last name. However, for me to call you at your hotel room, the hotel normally requests the guest's last name before putting the call through. I need a telephone number to confirm all erotic dates. I always telephone before I come to meet you so that I am sure that you still want to proceed with the date and the selected time for your Ottawa escort service is still convenient for you.

  • Will you accept appointments outside of your scheduled working hours?

Maybe. It depends on the circumstances and my availability at that time.  It may also depend on whether or not you are a repeat guest.

  • I would like a dinner or social coffee visit. Is that possible?

Yes, I enjoy fine dining. We will both be more comfortable if we get to know each other better. Please, let me know if a meal is involved in the visit as I neither want to eat twice nor be rude and refuse to eat with you. Please, note that my rates as posted apply to social dates. There is no free lunch time.

  • I would like an appointment involving travel or for you to travel to me. Is that possible?

Yes, depending on the time and the location. If traveling is important to you, let's discuss the possibilities.

  • I would like to bring some wine. What is your preference?

I don't have one as I do not drink much alcohol. Please, bring whatever you would enjoy drinking. I am not opposed to alcohol but I prefer not to drink it myself.  I am a very relaxed person and will be pleased to enjoy your company with no alcohol involved. Also, there are practical considerations. Most mornings, I choose to get up early and I always drive myself home after the erotic date. I appreciate unchilled water without ice.

  • I notice that you do not smoke. Do you mind if I smoke?

No, you can smoke as much or as little as you want at your location. I am a visitor to you so you decide what suits you.  I have a smoke eating machine which I would be most pleased to bring with me. My incall love nest is non-smoking.

  • What can I do to relax you?

Give me a hug when we meet. It will relax you and me.

  • Will you join me in the shower or have a bath with me?

Yes, I can even bring some bubble bath and back scrubbers with me. Please, let me know in advance. Attended showers are available.





If you need to cancel your Ottawa escort service for whatever reason, please, let me know by email if you are canceling the day before the scheduled erotic rendezvous. For same day cancellations, please, telephone me. There is no penalty for canceling. If a guest chooses to abuse cancellation privileges, I may decline to book any future dates with that lover.





If we mutually agree to end an appointment early, the fee may be prorated depending on the circumstances.


Ottawa escort service FunValerie featuring mature, independent Valerie providing escort companionship, fetishes, and adult entertainment - your classy, curvy, cute, caring, and cuddly temporary girlfriend for men, women, and couples.

Let go of grief.