For same day escorting, companionship, and/or domination call: 613-282-4775
Except for same day fun and escorting,  
Valerie's preferred contact method is by email at:



Escort agency in Ottawa, Kanata and Gatineau offering full escort services, erotic massage, domination. Contact Fun Valerie for fun and friendly female companionship.

Ottawa Escorts Fun Valerie Book Now

Some Ottawa escorts require deposits for all visits, Valerie does NOT require deposits for most bookings and the lover can pay upon meeting Valerie.

Valerie is not an Ottawa escort agency and this section does not apply to most potential lovers. This section applies only to those dates which have been identified as having a high risk of never even getting started. Such bookings will require prepayment by email money transfer. Ottawa escort agency Valerie may waive the prepayment requirement for repeat guests.

The required prepayment is NOT refundable if the lover cancels the booking. The entire prepayment will be used towards the cost of the lover’s time with Valerie. Valerie will notify potential lovers who are required to submit prepayment by email money transfer and she will only proceed with a booking once the required amount is received. The applicable prepayment is the minimum charge for the visit.

An email money transfer prepayment for the cost of one hour of Valerie's time is required from lovers who:

have booked one or more dates in the past and did not show up
have booked dates in the past and have canceled two or more times
send very long emails full of unnecessary detail, any email over five lines starts to become suspect
send too many emails to discuss a date, any emails over five starts to become suspect
attempt to engage Valerie in long or unnecessary telephone conversations and ask too many questions, any questions after the third one are suspect
ask questions where the information is already available on escort agency Valerie's detailed website
want a date during hours when Valerie has indicated on her schedule that she is not available
want to discuss their upcoming dates in detail by either email or telephone
have attempted to bargain or negotiate to reduce the Ottawa escort agency rates for Valerie's time
would like transportation to and from a location to Valerie's studio
are students wishing to interview Valerie for a class project about Ottawa escort agencies

An email money transfer prepayment for the cost of one hour of Valerie's time plus the actual cost of any special items purchased uniquely for the lover, is required of guests who:

request specific items which Ottawa escort agency Valerie does not already own

An email money transfer prepayment for the cost of one hour of Valerie's time may be required of lovers who:

request dates involving travel outside of Ottawa and within a two hour drive, this is at Valerie’s discretion and will depend on the situation

An email money transfer prepayment for an amount to be determined based on the situation, will be required of lovers who:

request dates involving travel of more than a two hour drive outside of Ottawa

An email money transfer prepayment for the cost of two hours of Valerie's time is required of lovers who:

want to discuss any possible travel outside of North America

An email money transfer prepayment for the cost of three hours of Valerie's time is required of lovers who:

want photographs not found on Valerie's photo gallery page

Services not available after an email money transfer prepayment is paid to Ottawa escort agency Valerie:

explicit phone calls and emails are probably illegal and will not be entertained
photographs of Valerie’s face without sunglasses

Email Money Transfer Details:

Ottawa escort agency Valerie has found that certain persons persist in showing a lack of respect for her valuable business time. To give everyone the benefit of the doubt, Valerie will still accept bookings from such high risk persons but she mitigates her business risk by requiring an email money transfer paid in advance of the visit. For example, Valerie has found that the longer the initial email from the potential lover, the higher is the probability that the date will not take place. Also, Valerie has found that those who ask the most questions and those who talk the most are the least likely to show up for paid dates. Ottawa escort agency Valerie has found that the more people chat, the less likely they are to act. Valerie is a woman of action. To help Valerie focus on those clients who are sincere in engaging her services, Valerie needs to weed out those persons who seek only to waste her time. Valerie has found that requiring an email money transfer prepayment eliminates those who are insincere and helps her focus on those who truly appreciate her time and Ottawa escort agency services.

Thank you,
Ottawa escort agency Fun Valerie


Escort agency in Ottawa, Kanata and Gatineau offering full escort services, erotic massage, domination. Contact Fun Valerie for fun and friendly female companionship.

Happiness is a fun date.